Once the asset is complete, the Printworks will generate up to $8000 a day. Once you have them, cruise back to the Printworks. get away! But go back to collect the plates she drops. Once the courier gets in the car, do the standard thing: ram her and use drive-by tactics to hose her car down. If you can cripple the vehicle, chasing down the villain will be that much easier. Then target the wheels of the black getaway sedan. Use a Sniper Rifle or Uzi to take out the female bodyguards sprinkled around the compound. Park just outside the area where the meeting will occur, then get out. Assets Map This map shows all the Asset Properties in Vice City. Get in your ride and get over there fast! The pink dot on the map reperesents the courier's destination. The second part of your job here requires you to intercept the counterfeiting plates from the woman arriving with them at the docks.

You'll get $2000 for completing this assignment. Or, if you're feeling sheepish, tuck into the nearby Pay N' Spray to wipe your record clean. Just run back to whatever car you brought and outrun the cops back to the Printworks. When you do, your wanted level will go to two stars. The information you need is on the second floor from the top.

Keep on the lookout for more men, and pick them up with the powerful Uzis you collect. As they run down to get you, pick them off with your weapon of choice (we recommend the Shotgun).When it seems no one is left to attack, move carefully up the ramp. This will alert those on board to your presence. Approach the docked ship and move up the extended gangplank nearest the pink dot. As soon as you board the boat, you're going to get lit up, so be careful.